In this fourth issue of the series death moves we are talking about the strong grip and the closed club face on top of the swing and how this can influence the direction of your shot.
A grip which is to strong is when you can see more than two knuckles of your left hand
(for the right handed playing golfer)
In the last couple of years the players got more athletic and stronger, so also their grip did. I have no problem with that, as long the player
is aware how his club face looks at top of the swing and he knows how to get it back square at impact (as Dustin
This can bring the advantage that you can compress the ball very effective, but also the problem of an hands pull can occur, where the ball already starts way left of the target.
Tip 1: Control your left hand so you only see two knuckles
Tip 2: Control together with your coach and video your top position
Tip 3: Control your ball launch direction and the shape of the ball flight. In optimum you also use Trackman radar for a check. Please also watch the video at the newsletter
Trackman blog.
Enjoy your practice and let me know if you need some further assistance.
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